The Shruder Workshop is Coming to Les Village, Bali
The Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu (TPST) or Waste Management Facility of Les Village is undergoing transformation into a village-scale plastic recycling and upcycling educational center. First comes the construction of a machine room that will house the Shruder, a plastic shredding and extruding machine. Up next are construction of the bale, a wooden platform for workshops and presentations, installation of water tower and piping, and renovation of TPST office.
This project is a collaboration between: Plastic Collective led by Louise Hardman who invented the Shruder and will lead in technical training and plastic/waste mgt education of village stakeholders. Earthwatch Australia who will lead in monitoring and research work in coordination with Prof. Steve Smith of National Marine Science Center. TK Maxx who provided the funding for the acquisition of the machines, training and product development, and monitoring and research work.
The Australian Embassy – Jakarta, Indonesia through the Direct Aid Program-Bali who provided the funding for the renovation of the TPST. Desa Les through BUMDES Segara Lestari who will own and operate the workshop. Sea Communities who partnered with BUMDES in bringing the program to Les and leads in community organizing and awareness raising and in creating and marketing education programs centered on the workshop.
Launching of the Shruder Workshop is set on February 21, 2019.